The Romance of Modern Electricity

Charles R. Gibson (1870 - 1931)

From the series, The Library of Romance, this book introduces the reader to the modern concepts of electricity. The author discusses how man came to know about electricity, and how it powers the world of 1910.

Genre(s): Astronomy, Physics & Mechanics

Language: English

Group: The Library of Romance

Play 01The Part Electricity PlayedKerry Adams00:10:58
Play 02How We Came to Know About ElectricityCiufi Galeazzi00:09:16
Play 03How Batteries Were InventedAvaille00:19:44
Play 04What is Magnetism?petermosier00:15:17
Play 05How Magnetism is Related to Electricitypetermosier00:08:42
Play 06How We Came to Have the TelegraphHelloCentral00:15:02
Play 07How We Now Send TelegramsMatt Stiner00:22:51
Play 08Telegraphing Across the Seaostrichreads00:18:48
Play 09Some Early Attempts at TelegraphyMartin Hill00:10:56
Play 10Telegraphing Through SpaceMatt Stiner00:21:11
Play 11Electricity in NatureAvaille00:15:38
Play 12Interesting Applications of ElectricityAmelie Dawson00:18:13
Play 13Further Applications of ElectricityOwlivia00:23:00
Play 14Electricity and SpeechCiufi Galeazzi00:38:08
Play 15Wireless TelephonyMatt Stiner00:09:28
Play 16Induction Coils Explainedjenno00:10:57
Play 17Light That Does Not Affect the EyeAvaille00:13:42
Play 18How Electricity Produces LightCiufi Galeazzi00:18:51
Play 19Electricity From Mechanical MotionHelloCentral00:15:04
Play 20Mechanical Motion From ElectricityHelloCentral00:15:32
Play 21Electric Railways, Niagara, etc.Eric Johnson00:23:11
Play 22Electricity in the Observatoryprajak00:25:28
Play 23Electricity and the PhysicianJ. M. Smallheer00:10:13
Play 24Electricity and RadiumAvaille00:20:09
Play 25Electricity and ChemistryJ. M. Smallheer00:13:57
Play 26Electricity in the Coal-Mineelmachina00:16:03
Play 27Electricity as a Heating AgentCiufi Galeazzi00:07:13
Play 28Electricity's Relation to HeatMatt Stiner00:13:27
Play 29How Electricity Aids the Conjurerostrichreads00:19:35
Play 30How We Measure ElectricityAvaille00:29:16
Play 31Some Questions AnsweredJ. M. Smallheer00:11:03
Play 32What We Know About ElectricityAvaille00:16:08
Play 33ConclusionMarie Christian00:14:54